Welcome to ACT Institutet Sweden!
Education, research and clinical consultation
NEW 2023-3024
Deepen your skills as a health-care provider!
Innovate and streamline the treatment delivery!
and most importantly:
Thrive as a human being!
What is ACT?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has a strong scientific base as a psychotherapy, for most of the chronic conditions.
ACT psychotherapeutic tools are build on potent mechanisms of behavioral changes. This is why it has shown to be effective across may diagnosis and chronic conditions.
Given that most of the chronic conditions (physical and or mental) can be prevented and treated with life-style changes, many other health professionals got interested in ACT, and wonder how to adapt it into their own profession.
The adaptation is called the Behavioral Plasticity model which embeds and embodies the ACT underlying processes in a novel and creative way.
Why Behavioral Plasticity?
Most of the chronic conditions (physical and or mental) can be prevented and treated with life-style changes, which lead other health professionals to wonder:
- How do I (as a physiotherapist, medical doctor, etc) do an assessment that is consistent with ACT?
- How can use ACT but with my own tools as a physio or occupational therapist?
- We lack a language to understand each other and what the ACT-psychologist means… we are not supposed to start doing psychotherapy!
These and many more questions need a comprehensive model.
ACT Institutet’s expertise
The evidence for ACT as a psychotherapy is strong for chronic conditions (i.e. depression and chronic pain). Still, there is room for development.
Chronic conditions are related to lifestyle behaviors and often treated by non-behaviorally trained professionals (MDs, nurses, physios, OT, etc.) who face challenges when it comes to prompt sustainable lifestyle behavioral changes.
Many professionals undertake ACT training but lack the necessary support and guidance to “translate” and implement its therapeutic processes to their own field and work with their own tools.
The Behavioral Plasticity model was created in 2006 to bridge that gap. It offers a comprehensive model to translate ACT underlying principles into each of the other professionals improving not only the professional skillsets but also streamlines the clinical pathways. More effective intake that kills waiting lists, stepwise and tailored treatment programs, systematic assessment and common language for the members of the inter-professional team.
Courses & Workshops
ACT and ACTiveRehab boost your skills to prompt sustainable behavioral changes. To effectively change lifestyles is imperative not only for our patients with chronic or combined conditions, but also for us working in the health care services.
It’s like a sport, if you aim to be a good sports-coach, you need first to be amazing in that sport yourself, then have the capacity to see what your trainee needs to thrive.
ACT is a psychotherapy based on empirical tested mechanisms of action that account for behavioral changes. ACTiveRehab goes back to these mechanisms and help all the other professionals to build their practice on these mechanisms BUT WITH THEIR OWN TOOLS.
Clinical development
ACTiveRehab is a comprehensive clinical concept that streamline the clinical pathways in a person-centered manner. Persons that benefit are not only your clients and patients, but your professional staff!
Wellbeing & self-care
ACTiveRehab provides health professionals with tools and skillset to accurately and effectively manage stressful situations in a mindful manner, with self-care and self-compassion.
In the near future, and given the high demand, ACT Institutet will also offer courses for the general public and individuals with chronic conditions.
Stay tuned!

Follow us
Dr. Graciela Rovner
+46 (0)709 74 37 77
Sanatorievägen 27